20. Sep, 2021


I’m so sorry in behalf of everyone who broke you, upset you, let you down.

please be safe, you can do this I know you can be strong all over again, nothing compared to your pure heart, and I know how the world is shitty, but that doesn’t mean you have to give up.

Listen... even Superheroes needs a little break after each Battle they have, but they never quit, they never stop fighting for what they believe in.
your are a true Hero, a true Superhero..

Take all the time you want, take all the break you need to charge your powers all over again, this is not the end.

Take a deep breath close your eyes and look back you’ll see how far you walked and fought your way, look at all the battles you had before, and look at yourself now and where you’re standing at, you made it..

And you’re this close to reach your goals and dreams .. and please know, each step you make?
You’ll find me,
my prayers,
my support,
To push you all the way up even for the stars if you needed to. 

I love you, and please know that you got someone who’ll never get tired or going to give up on you.

I Love you so much, I believe in you, I'm Staying.