3. Sep, 2021

Why ...

Your Mentality, the Bond we Have , our Partnership, the way we Discuss every random Topic that crosses our Minds.. Our Goofiness.. Taste of Music and Random late night conversations. 

as a First impression, You Attracted me with your Brain.. the way you talk, the way you’re way too good at Solving my Puzzles where no one ever did before.. and how we Fight and Go Crazy together..

Why You’re so Perfect… ? 

 24th Of July.. I swear to god Everything was pulled together.. was clear for me to see.. 
that’s the Day I have realised that..

I’m so in Love.. 

The Moment I Saw You , and You held me closer to your chest, Held my Hands, and Kissed me..
Everything in me was Screaming Out Loud Asking me to Stay Even More. 

Gosh I wish I was there with You Right Now

Why do I Love you ?

 I really don’t Know.. Too much Love , Too much Feelings.. Too Much Reasons and some I can’t even Mention..

One Day… Very Soon, 
We will be holding each other so Close.
And We’ll Never Let Go.