3. Sep, 2021

My Savior

Look at those gorgeous eyes looking at this screen, following every word written in a way making me wish I’m the words itself..

Hello my dearest lover, 
3rd Of September…
Of course rings a bell for you..

a while ago I was writing my first unsaid thoughts and feelings, and kept hiding them , mostly because whenever I say what my Hearts is hiding, makes me feel Naked, every word and touch 
Never been a compliment..

You, the only person I feel Safe around.
You, the only person I Laugh out Loud with..
You, the one and only person that suits my heart, suits me and my soul..

Oh My, I truly feel like I’m in a dream.. 
a dream which has that “and they lived happily ever after” moment.

I swear to god everyday you make me realise why I have let my guards down, Everyday you Prove to me each and every single reason why You are Enough for me.. a Thousand Times Enough..

I have never Fallen in Love this Hard before , I have never been rescued like this Baby..

Thank You for being my Savior, Thank you for pulling me away from my depression, my panic attacks, my reckless behaviour..

You know..? 
I kept repeating an affirmation “I don’t Chase, I Attract, What Belongs to Me will simply Find me..”

And I can’t tell you how much I’m so Happy that You Found Me, You Saved Me.. and now I’m Blessed by You..

Here’s for the 4th Month baby.. 
Happy Anniversary my One&Only