3. Sep, 2021


I guess you know what it’s about when I start writing for you, I really don’t know what comes to your mind when you look at me, but for me.. gosh you keep making me fall for you each and everyday, i’m not even joking but..

The way I feel most of the time it’s like my first time ever being in love..
yes I’m scared but when I see your eyes, your face and that smile..

I can tell that i’m in a deep trouble..

those soft lips when they opens up and beautiful words comes out, straight to my heart..
your smile that literally makes me feel like a little kid who just entered her favorite candy shop, you make me so confused about where to lay down my kisses exactly..

my baby.. with you it feels like I’m in heaven …
and I’m falling way too hard and I don’t even wanna stop myself.

please don’t stop showing me that face that I adore the most.. those Butterflies is not going anywhere anytime soon, i love you..