2. Sep, 2021

3rd Of May, I knew you.

Before meeting you, I was in a very toxic relationships, during which I was Cheated on,Lived in depression,Lost my Confidence entirely in Myself, Escaped from every Relationship and yes I kept freaking out..

But on 3rd Of May, I knew you.
and everything changed in a heartbeat ..

on 3rd of June, couldn't believe that a month passed by already, Thank you for Believing in me, Thank you for Trusting me, for Loving me the way I am, for Accepting me as I am, for not asking me to Change, you always Supported me, Annoyed me yes..., been a Great Lover & a Huge pain in the ass, all that moments we shared Laughing and Crying together, your Great Attention you give to me, your Jealousy that you hide, and since I started talking about all the "YOUR" ,, go to the mirror, face to face.. and just look at that Beautiful Smile that I can't wait to kiss.. and that warm heartbeat between your arms that I can't wait to hear..

baby, you are my Favorite Blessing that May gave to me..
like it was saying "i'm sorry for every heart Break life caused you, and here you go..."

i love you, i'm staying ....